Friday, May 25, 2012


In Britain, another batch of declassified documents on the ...
A flying saucer ...

The third object - WHAT IT IS UNKNOWN.

UK Ministry of Defence (MOU) for the fourth year of the shaft declassifies documents on UFOs. Puts them into huge portions of the Internet. One of these days have become available next 18 files on 5000 pages in each. Here and in reports and presentations, and drawings by hand, and letters from the public, and even the details of the discussion of ...

The abundance of information shocks: whether the locals went astray on the basis of ... And zasizhen ... Because of the declassified archives, with an average in the MOU did a report on UFO sightings in a week. Although in some years, for example in 1996, their number reached up to two a day. In this case, according to statistics, about one third of the objects (6 out of 16) remained unidentified. And in some cases, experts are trying to figure out so far.

- In 1957, the authorities are so alerted by a series of incidents involving UFOs, it is the cause of the convening of the Joint Intelligence Committee - says one of the archival materials of their declassification enthusiast, Dr. David Clarke, a UFO researcher and lecturer at the University of Sheffield. - But after 40 years in the MOU, it seems, stopped seeing a UFO in the national security threat. There were to follow, as it affects society.

The UN has not yet confirmed AVAILABILITY ET.

Among the declassified documents, and is very funny. For example, a resident of Leeds asked the bookmakers in 1990. And he put 17 pounds in a ratio of 100 to 1 that extraterrestrial life is discovered on Earth until the end of XX century. The player was absolutely sure that he would certainly win. And get your £ 1700.

Alas, the bookmaker refused to pay. And said: ... However, since the bet is the phrase ...

The litigation eventually reached the Ministry of Defence. In the transference there claim the man that put on the aliens, said that in the central library of the city found 19 books that describe a well-known rozuelsky incident, when the state of New Mexico in the United States in July 1947 broke ... He stressed: ... I understand that it is necessary. Therefore, do not require the disclosure of information on my rate of media. But I have to be made appropriate payments. My bet is winning ...