It is difficult to imagine a life without communication. Every day we meet with different people, talking with them, smile and joke.
Today, for communicating with other people are increasingly using the Internet. However, with online communication is lost, many important elements, such as heat and emotion.
Therefore, from a purely human point of view, this kind of communication seems dry, devoid of emotion. And we're going to change that.
With the technology we want to transfer all the wealth of colors and full of live human interaction on the Internet. We want to make Google services more convenient for you, more focused on your interests and your social networks. Therefore, we present to you the project Google:.
Circles: share the most interesting to those who are important to you.
All we establish different levels of trust with different people from our environment. With former classmates, we discuss some things with other parents share, from his superiors at work hide the third. The problem is that today's online services turn friendship into something like a fast food: all people indiscriminately fall into our list of friends, and as a result, we can not be as open as we want.
This creates discomfort. Instead of communicating with those who need at the moment, we have to keep talking all at once.
It scares. Every conversation on the Internet, followed by can watch more than 100 ' friends ', is comparable to public appearance. Few people like to talk about personal things in front of large audiences, so the Internet, we are not inclined to be frank.
This deprives us of the emotional ties. Each in its own way understand words like 'friend ', ' buddy ' or ' relative '. They have a lot of shades of meaning. However, online communication, all these nuances are lost.
Having reached this conclusion, we asked the question: 'How we interact with people around us? '. Find the answer was not difficult. In fact, when we selectively share information, thoughts and feelings with other people, we share them in circles.
All human beings are somehow divide their friends and acquaintances in the social circle, each of which may share some information or opinion. So we went to the most logical way: moved the concept of social circles in the virtual world. Now you can create a few laps, add them as people and begin to communicate with them - everything in life.
Topics: discuss with your friends that you are interested in.
If we really fall in love with something, we 'll want to share it with other people. We can talk about race cars, comics, fashion or anything else - it does not matter. It is important that similar interests to help find a common language, one raises an interesting topic, the other develops it, and the third is connected to the discussion. And now comes the real debate, in which people are keen to share their thoughts and experiences. Such conversations can last for hours. In such cases, the most difficult - to start a conversation, to establish contact. Fortunately, the Internet is not a problem with that arises.
In the web you can find everything - from topical articles to interesting photos and funny videos. The more interesting content, the more fascinating is his discussion of. However, it became clear that to find interesting things and sharing them is still not easy - it requires time and effort. So we created a system for exchanging information on the Internet and called it Sparks.
Google has used its expertise in the field of web technologies, so that through this system, users have access to a wealth of interesting information from all over the World Wide Web. This information may relate to any area of your interest. Get it can be in any of 40 languages supported by the system. Simply enter their own interests, and you will always be something to see and read, and something to share with the right circle of friends.
You are the main thing in all the services Google.
At the moment Google project includes the following components: Circles, Themes, and VideoVstrechi mobile version. Currently the service is running in test mode, so you may notice some roughness. Joined on Google yet available by invitation only. We believe that the concept of data exchange on the Internet needs a serious revision. And we are taking the first step in this direction. In our view, only one important factor - the user.
Billions of people rely on Google. And we feel a responsibility. That's why we have ten years of defending the interests of the users are fighting for the liberation of the data, working on a project open the Network and advocate respect for the freedom of people to be who they want to be. However, the Google project stands out is the fact that the special focus is on the user, ie you. So you yourself can choose, how to preserve privacy, how to become more open to others, how to communicate with friends, how to work with data, how to share your thoughts with the world - in all the services Google.
We hope you will join our project as soon as get the invitation! .
Author: Vic Gundotra, Vice President of Engineering.
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