Sunday, April 15, 2012

Intimate issues for girls and boys

The question arose in the process of moderation of pictures on the client project. Mental health has suffered greatly, and the knowledge of the anatomy of the male body has grown cool.

It is clear that 90% of those who want to meet you, my next goal put the banal intercourse. Another thing that I did not really understand the signaling system used by the boys.

Question to girls:. Girl, you're interested to see the size and shape of manhood ( left, right, sticking out of shorts, in a condom and t. Dr.. )? .

The question of the boys:. boys, from a conviction that it is really important? . The impression that you and I talk to a member with the screen wants to. Zhzhzhzhut!.

Another question the boys:. if there is a label of ' erotic pictures ', why you insist on putting 'show all '?.

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