Monday, March 19, 2012

Amputee runner is disqualified by the International Association of Athletics

news_13277_1_MDOscar Pistorius (Oscar Pistorius), a person without both legs, was suspended from participation in the race at the Olympics because he was running too fast.... The candidature of a runner to adjust to the use of prosthetic legs made ​​of carbon fiber, has been considered at a meeting of the International Association of Athletics, which as a result, decided that the combination of man (even officially considered to be disabled ) and the machine is too strong for simple, ...

According to the Association made ​​the statement, the advantage of sporting prostheses to human ankle exceed thirty percent mark in. Furthermore, an additional 25 % advantage Pistorius receives because of his artificial limbs lighter than legs, respectively, it puts less effort. As expected, Oscar would appeal, he believes that the examination was carried out with insufficient care.

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