Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day allure muses

Here are today, it turns out, what a wonderful day!. Have you tried. to lure ever anything?. I wonder what you can lure the muse? . I suggest everyone to try today: Take a warm evening, the family circle and start reading your favorite book of my grandmother or grandfather of the youngest and most powerful. It does not matter. The important thing is that you will be TOGETHER. Here then, I think, always will be what the family- chitatelnaya Muse. You do not know this and have not even heard? .

If you pour in a bowl on the sun.

Small beads, leaves and seeds,.

if we add to them a light lace.

(or shallow - risovalka - pisalochki ).

somewhere in the soul - the merry salochki,.

You can call: ' Come to the kind.

Muse with tiara, and can do without it,.

scientific and poetic muse,.

and watercolor, fine,.

baking, brightly - patterned,.

Muses Sea, covered tinoyu,.

or a cozy and land,.

kryuchkovyazalnye, or patchwork,.

Secret Muses, unaware that the future.

(Well, at least a little, though more or less ).

you come into the sun to the saucer,.

I will feed you with my inspiration.