Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BlogCamp CEE Investors Day update

There is good news. The experts were joined by two men.

One of them, my friend and I do not regularly my hand after a hello to him - so he respected people in Silicon Valley -. Mr. Khirman. , A former resident of Kiev. Soon, he will update his biography. Last fall, went to Kiev and Stas gave a very. strong masterclass. the creation of start-up, given the fact that he is very smart and experienced, he is a great speaker. people. listened to. bated. breathing. even. video. where. -. that. there is. There will be time - the most interesting part of the slices and put on YouTube. So, keep your hand. s. together ©. Natasha. Krol.

The second man is also a very interesting.

This is Ina Proshkina. She heads the PR and marketing agency for startups. go2market. She has her own. blog. We will not display with your fingers, but there are several start-ups that took place because of it. on. TMT Executive Seminar. , Which she graciously visited in April, I introduced her and she became one of the most popular figures among startups. We had agreed that she will answer some of my questions and it's an impromptu interview, I will post here. Please love and favor.

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